Adamantia Golf Day
Date: 21 November 2015
Time: 20:00 till late
Venue: Kimberley Golf Club
Adamantia presents a Golf Day this year on Saturday 21 November at the Kimberley Golf Club.
Between 80 and 100 club members participate in the golf day, so it is a great opportunity to advertise your business.
There are several advertising options available, from an exhibition of promotional material in the clubhouse, to putting up of marketing material in the exercise area.
It promises to be a day full of fun, business opportunities, making new friends & contacts, prizes and vouchers.
Adamantia Gholf Dag
Datum: 21 November 2015
Tyd: 20:00 tot laat
Plek: Kimberley Gholfclub
Adamantia bied vanjaar op Saterdag 21 November n gholfdag by die Kimberley Gholf Klub aan.
Tussen 80 en 100 klublede neem aan die Gholfdag deel; dus is dit n gulde geleentheid om u besigheid te adverteer. Daar is verskeie advertensie opsies beskikbaar, van n uitstalling van bemarkingsmateriaal in die klubhuis tot die opsit van bemarkingsmateriaal in die oefenarea.
Dit beloof om n dag vol pret, besigheidsgeleenthede, maak van nuwe vriende & kontakte, pryse en geskenkbewyse te wees.
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