Die water by ’n lekkasie op die hoek van Broadwayweg en Studystraat stroom vir nog ’n naweek sterk in die straat af, ná die Sol Plaatje-munisipaliteit R4.8m afwyking vir die herstel van lekkasies goed gekeur het. Lees on vorige berig, Municipality admits Newton Reservoir running on empty over leaks – R4.8m deviation for repairs approved.
The Sol Plaatje Municipality has been using excuses to dodge the damning findings of the section 106 report and have in large part allowed further looting of the institution’s resources and general deterioration of the city. This is according to activist and community leader, Tumelo Mosikare.
KIMBERLEY – The Sol Plaatje Municipality is allegedly not rendering services equally to communities and wards run by other political parties, and the municipality’s losses are used to inflate the price of electricity, revealed in the latest radio interview. Listen to community leaders, Tumelo Mosikare and Boyce Makodi, speak about the issues residents are facing […]
KIMBERLEY – Wonderwerkers van Roodepan het gisteraand goed gesorg dat inwoners hier met versadigde pensies in die kooi in klim. Monique Philander, ’n inwoner hier, het haar blydskap op sosiale media gedeel nadat verskeie mense saamgekom het om te help om vir minderbevoorregte inwoners ietsie te gee om aan te peusel. Sy sê om die […]
KIMBERLEY – The Sol Plaatje Municipality has approved a deviation R4.8m to repair leaks According to Phetole Sithole, acting executive director of the Sol Plaatje Municipality, the deviation is needed to restore the city’s water supply to a 24-hours schedule and to end the nightly shutdown. At least 35 megaliters of water is wasted on […]
KIMBERLEY – Students and teachers of NJ Heyns High School and residents of South Ridge in Kimberley started Friday without water after a mainline burst in Kekewich Drive. According to DA councillor Marie Beylefeld, the water had to be switched off for the water to be pumped out of the pipeline for municipal workers to […]
KIMBERLEY – A drain in Gwele Street in Mankurwane is causing a stink after municipal workers allegedly couldn’t unblock it. According to a community member, the matter was reported to the Sol Plaatje Municipality. Municipal workers were deployed but allegedly they couldn’t fix the problem and left it unresolved. The person who reported the matter, […]
KIMBERLEY – Residents in areas prone to flooding should take note as heavy rain is expected to hit the city this weekend. According to the Norwegian Meteorological Institute more than 11.2 mm of rain is expected on Saturday. This is alarming as various parts of the city including Donkerhoek and White City in Roodepan have […]
Listen in English or Afrikaans: The Provincial Department of Sports, Arts & Culture in the Northern Cape is under fire after its budget was cut with R41m and an additional R4m in emergency relief funds for local artists seemingly “go missing.” Artists have been on hunger strike for more than three days since they have […]