The Kimberley Prospector

Category: George

Twee ontsnap ná sinkgat motor in George insluk

Twee ontsnap ná sinkgat motor in George insluk

Die polisie in die Suid-Kaap sê twee insittendes van ’n motor wat in ’n sinkgat in die voorstad van George geval het, het daarin geslaag om ongedeerd te ontsnap. Die sinkgat is glo deur ’n waterlekkasie veroorsaak. Die polisie ondersoek nog wat presies gebeur het. Athane Scholtz, munisipale woordvoerder, sê herstelwerk aan die pyp en […]

Person fatally shot twice in George

Person fatally shot twice in George

GEORGE – Police just confirmed to the George Herald that one person died in a shooting incident in Thembalethu this morning just after 07:00. The deceased was driving a white Audi with a CA registration. There were two other passengers in the vehicle. Read more: George Herald

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