The Kimberley Prospector

Day: March 14, 2021

No water in Franskraal due to repairs

No water in Franskraal due to repairs

FRANSKRAAL – The Overberg Municipality is busy with repairs to a water main in the area. Reports from residents estimate that it could take a while for repairs to be done. Water may only be restored by tomorrow night.

Toddlers struck by lightning

Toddlers struck by lightning

NAMIBIA – Two toddlers were struck by lightning in the Otunganga village at Eenhana on Saturday night, the police have reported. The toddlers identified as Veronika Jeremia (4) and Toini Ndilimeke Nanghonda (6) died on the scene. “Police investigations continue,” the police added. Read more on the Namibian.

Warzone Cheaters Caught & Punished Thanks To Mara’s Actress

Warzone Cheaters Caught & Punished Thanks To Mara’s Actress

Two Call of Duty: Warzone streamers have been banned from Twitch after the actress for Mara caught them cheating and publicly shamed them online. Two Call of Duty: Warzone streamers have been caught cheating and called out by Mara actress Alex Zedra. The incident led to the two Warzone streamers being banned from Twitch, despite them denying the […]

Bakkie allegedly stolen at mall

Bakkie allegedly stolen at mall

KIMBERLEY – A white Nissan NP200 bakkie with registration number CVV 584 NC was stolen during the day at a city mall, a forwarded message on social alledges. The Kimberly Prospector have contacted the Kimberley Police and the mall for more information. Follow us for updates.

Water supply to be cut early tonight

Water supply to be cut early tonight

KIMBERLEY – The pumps at the Newton Reservoir will be switched off early tonight confirmed. According to Marie Beylefeld, DA Councilor of the Sol Plaatje Municipality, the water supply will be cut tonight18:00 to build up the dam levels to ensures schools and business remain open tomorrow. She advises residents to prepare and make they […]

WATCH: Homestead streets flooding after various pipes burst

WATCH: Homestead streets flooding after various pipes burst

KIMBERLEY – Riverton, Neethling, Natasha and Earl Street in Homevale have been flooded with fresh municipal water after a number of burst pipes have been reported in the suburb of Kimberley. Veronica Williams a resident posted images of the water-filled streets on social media. A video is also being circulated of a massive burst in […]

Tref voorsorg water kan vroeg gesny word

Tref voorsorg water kan vroeg gesny word

KIMBERLEY – Inwoners word gewaarsku om voorsorg te tref indien die pompe by die Newton-reservoir water vroeër afgeskakel word. Marie Beylefeld, ’n DA-raadslid van die Sol Plaatje-munisipaliteit, sê sy glo die water gaan om 14:00 afgesit word omrede die vlakke moet herstel vir skole en besighede more. Sy het verantwoordelikes gemaan vir antwoorde wanneer die […]

Two smaller dams show “improvement”

Two smaller dams show “improvement”

Dam levels taken at 07:00 this morning at the Newton Reservoir in Kimberley show a slight improvement to the two smaller dams. DA Councilor Ockert Fourie says the early shutdown yesterday has improved levels to the 2 smaller dams, but the levels of the others are still critically low. 102ML at 9ft 3″91ML at 10ft45ML […]

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